Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Sense and Sensibility

Sense:the senses considered as a total function of the bodily organism, as distinguished from intellect, movement, etc.

Sensibility :Mental or emotional responsiveness toward something, such as the feelings of another.

Two terms that are commonly used together and perfectly exponded on in the book "Sense and Sensibility" by Jane Austen. written perfectly and expressed creativelt the book inspires and gives you inspiration to think that two commonly used words are so expressive when used together.

In therms of sense in basic terms it controls actions taken out by the human body, while sensibility controls the expressive side of a human . Believe it or not sensibility is controlled by sense . without thought of ehat you are going to do and the concequences to your actions could your emotions be expressed. I move towards someone to then express myself totally and while expressing myself a physical action such a a "kiss" may take place. sensibility allows me to feel the the expressions that words wont allow so the intertwined world of sense and sensiblility becomes mind blowing . Woukd it then be fair to say one who expresses feelings by being only physical is emotionless ? and one who only expresses themself through words has no "natural" sense of attraction to you ?

Sadly most individuals are caught up in the current situation snd forget the deeper meaning to things . For example actions and concequences, sense and sensibility and love and hate. With love and hate the same thought of explination can be used for sense and sensibility . When you love someone , you take them for them wfor who they are and at the same time you accrpt them for the negatives. unfortuneately not all humans are capable of looking at negatives as things that can enhance life. but with true understanding of how sense ans sensibility works one can look past almost exvery negative in life or in a relationship and see it as a stepping stone to greatness.

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Boys: Accessories,Toys & Dogs, are they any ?

Sorry to be so cliche and write about the one thing almost every girl speaks about but honestly there are some veiws i have on the "burning" issue that i feel should be shared. B.O.Y.S ...i have always thought that it meant a Burden On Your Soul. ok so ALOT of girls in Jamaica try to be a guys "everything" trying to change his life, be the one he cant live with nor live without. Well honestly. IT'S NOT GOIN TO HAPPEN , at least not when you are forcing it down his throat. be yourself, be true and let him like you for you, not the person he thinks you are , because then you change when you are comfortaqble with him and YOU become the accessory. His favourite jewel he carries with him to say he has something other people want when deep down he knows your about to go out of style just like any other accessory.

As for toys. Sigh....when will females realize that guys often play with you and then when you get boring he puts you side. At that point you then feel like your whole world is crashing down and you just "cant work", "cant function" just like a toy that is broken. Then when he remembers he has a toy in the back (which is you) he pick you up and magically you start working again. Wow isnt that showing who's boss. Sadly , i would say , you deserve it. As for dogs. I have ALWAYS said all guys are dogs, and im not changing that, its just a matter of choosing a pedigree dog or a "bad breed" dog, otherwise known as a mungrel. But also females hav a tendency to show that they cannot be trusted. "Opps, i kinda had sex with your friend" , i would really like to know how that is an accident but yea. Prove to males,men and boys out there that you are not controlled by your genitellia please . Because when they call you a BITCH after you tell them you have slept with their friend, you are. Dogs are drawn o other dogs by sexual smells and movements.

With that said, ladies when you are labeling men as Accessories,Toys and too may just be one. Change societies perspective on how life and relationships are to be , and end up. Be real.

||>Great Pretender and Realist<||